Friday, January 29, 2010

I won't give in! I have the willpower to succeed!

So yesterday was a bad day! A really bad day! One of those days that is so bad that all of a sudden everything else that you are going through suddenly seems to pile on top of the bad day stuff and crush you. It feels like everything is ten times worse than it actually all is and that you are going to die from the weight of it all.
That was my day yesterday. And days like that are usually followed by lots of treats and eating and more eating and more eating, did I mention eating?
Yes! I am sure you ahev guessed it by now, I am an emotional eater! Especially a stress eater. I feel like it is the only thing that i can control so, I eat.
And yesterday, while feeling like a totaly failure in life and as a mom and like I wanted to crawl into my bed and die, I thought, well, you might as well crawl into that bed with a box of cookies.
And for the first time EVER, I did something different. I came on this site. I sat down and went onto one fo the boards I am now frequenting and I typed out all of my feelings. And when I was done, I felt so tired, but emotionally fulfilled as well. And I no longer had a desire to eat anything. So, I didn't! I went to bed instead and got a good nights rest. And when I woke up this morning, It was so amazing! I felt no guilt over what I had done, I didn't get down on myself of beat myself up over it. I just had a normal morning! It was so nice!
I am so glad that I have finally decided to do this and to lose the weight and to commit to it. I hope this will change my life forever, not jsut in losing the weight but also the way I live my life!

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